AI In Brand Name Development: Is AI in its creativity era?

Gears with various icons in the middle of them

Over the last few years, artificial intelligence tools have continued to develop and are proving helpful for things like coding, data mining, and helping find the best recipes for your 4th of July cookout. While AI is certainly creating practical solutions for businesses and food bloggers alike, is AI entering its creativity era to help professionals write, design, or even name?

We are often asked: what exactly is a name? While that answer may seem straightforward - a bunch of letters combined to sound nice together - our naming specialists have a different perspective. Amy Baynard, seasoned naming expert and Creative Director at Leaderboard Branding, suggests that today’s AI tools just don’t make the cut when naming your next million-dollar brand.

“At Leaderboard, we don’t just look at naming as a creative endeavor, we also see it as a strategic one. A name is a golden opportunity to connect with your audience. Who better to create that connection than a person who can recognize and empathize with the desires and needs of that audience?”

When we talk about AI, we typically mean technology that lets a computer think or act in a similar “human” way. By analyzing large data sets through complex algorithms, computers can begin to produce results that mimic human outcomes. If a variety of random brand names are what you need, this tool can seem like an ideal solution: a computer can create seemingly limitless options quickly; but what a computer cannot do is apply creative vision and brand strategy to evoke human emotions - three things that are necessary for a brand’s success and longevity!

To learn more about our brand naming services, visit our services page here. To speak with one of our naming experts, contact us.


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